This is Touchcast, Part 2: Content

Today you can read, watch, or listen to any story in any format at any time. Your event content shouldn’t be any different.
May 17, 2021
2 mins
virtual event content
The Touchcast Team
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With the help of artificial intelligence, Touchcast gorgeously and instantly repackages and reformats event content, making talks and presentations accessible in more ways—text or video, long or short form, your native language or your client’s—than could have ever been imagined. Below, are three ways your event content will never be the same:

Content, How and When You Want It

We select our news, books, TV shows, and podcasts based on length, previews, and format. So why not our event content? When you attend a Touchcast event, you don’t just pick and choose what you want to watch when, but how you want to consume it.

Each presentation is instantly transformed into a gorgeous, verbatim article version. Or perhaps use the table of contents to skip to the part you want to read. Or click any word in the article version and go to that point in the talk. Or maybe you really only want to watch two minutes of the talk to see if it’s worth your time? Okay, give the trailer a preview. 

It’s your choice. For the first time, you truly have control over your event experience.

Each presentation can be watched, read, fast-forwarded, skimmed—or all of the above.

Traducción. Übersetzung. 翻译. Translation.

Events are no longer regional. They are global. Your events platform should be, too. 

Touchcast utilizes a dozen neural networks to instantly translate and dub every presentation so that the investor in Singapore can watch in Mandarin while the head of development in Madrid can simultaneously read the article version in Spanish. Every talk, every sentence, every word, is accessible in real time, in dozens of languages, around the globe.

Using AI, each presentation is instantly translated and audio-dubbed into dozens of languages.


In the physical world, we might walk to an event with friends, discuss the highlights in the hallway, then meet up at a local coffee shop. Here, too.

Our Touchcast venues foster the same sense of community. You can see the crowd of people watching the show, instantly chat, make it rain emojis, or ask the presenter questions. Afterwards, meet for a 1 on 1, then perhaps check out who’s hanging out for a meet and greet. 

We designed Touchcast to mimic the best of real world event interactions. Because content isn’t just what’s on the stage. It’s the discussions we share after.

Chat, share, laugh, connect—the Touchcast platform was created to bring people together wherever they are.

This is Part 2 in our series about what makes Touchcast different. You can read Part 1: Design here and Part 3: Technology here.

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